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Noticies: News

C3RG Annual Conference
The Central Catalonia Chronicity Research Group (C3RG) celebrates its annual conference

November 24th, 2022

The conference, which took place on November 24 in the Great Hall of the University of Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC), brought together professionals from different fields related to chronicity, from Primary Care to in the hospital field (Catalan Institute of Health, Consorci Hospitalari de Vic, Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic, Althaia Foundation, Vic Primary Care Team), as well as academic and research professionals such as the UVic-UCC and the Institute for Research and Innovation in Life and Health Sciences of Central Catalonia (IRIS-CC). The meeting was divided into three monographic tables.


The first table, moderated by Maricelis Cruz, from the Territorial Service of Geriatrics and Palliative Care of Osona and Ripollès, focused on the care of frail patients from the Emergency Department and had the participation of the family doctor of the Fundació Althaia de Manresa, Dolors Garcia, and the doctor of the University Hospital of Santa Maria de Lleida, Ana Vena.


The approach to chronic pain in frail patients was the topic discussed in the second panel, moderated by the director of the Chair of Palliative Care at the UVic-UCC, Xavier Gómez Batiste. The family doctor of EAP Vic, Àngels Ballarín, participated; the Primary Care pharmacist of the Catalan Health Institute, Adrián López, and the family doctor of CAP Larrand of the Pere Virgili Health Park, Aina Perelló.


Finally, the conference included a third table on Nephrogeriatrics, a discipline based on the combination of knowledge from Gerontology, Nephrology and Geriatrics, moderated by the general coordinator of the Chronic Research Group of Central Catalonia (C3RG), Núria Moist. The table included presentations by the Nephrology nurse at the Vic University Hospital, Esmeralda Molina, and the nephrologists from the Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa and ICO Hospitalet, Verònica Duarte and Sol Otero.

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